CleaDerma DCB
Mechanism Of Action
CleaDerma DCB is designed to work in an environment of damaged skin tissues and as such, it contains ingredients that enhance the skin’s natural ability to revive and rebuild itself and by providing (as an external source) those needed “building” materials that the skin’s not able to receive naturally via the bloodstream the skin is then able to go its natural course and heal itself.
Stage 4 Decubitus Ulcer (Right hand elbow) Ulcer was treated for a period 36 days
Total products used 2 tubes of CleaDerma DCB, 150gr each.
Venous leg ulcers
Wound treated for a period of 35 days.
Total products used 3 tubes of CleaDerma DCB, 150gr each.
Stage 4 Decubitus Ulcer (Lower back proximity of the coccyx) Ulcer was treated for a period 120 days
Total products used 3 tubes of CleaDerma DCB, 150gr each.
Stage 1,2,3 and 4 Pressure Ulcers The ulcers were treated for a period of 8 days
Total products used 1.5 tubes of CleaDerma DCB, 150gr.
Main Active Ingredients List
Dead Sea Salt
One of the most important ingredients in the CleaDerma DCB product is Dead Sea minerals (Dead Sea salt) on all its 27 minerals, especially for one of them – Magnesium Magnesium is one of the key minerals found in Dead Sea salt and it helps the skin restore its natural elasticity allowing new skin cells to generate. Restored elasticity in the skin surrounding the pressure ulcer reduces skin breakage and new skin cell regeneration. The rest of the minerals found in the Dead Sea salt are used as an external source to nourish the malnourished skin.

Avocado oil
Avocado Oil is an excellent source of vitamin A, E & D and rich in Sterolins which can boost collagen production that in return helps the skin’s natural process of regeneration. Vitamin D is also a crucial ingredient for skin regeneration via boosting collagen production. Pressure ulcer patients are deprived of UV light and direct sunlight and thus suffer from bigger than normal vitamin D deficiency, resulting in loss of elasticity and vitality of the skin. Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that soothes the skin and fights inflammation.
Calendula Oil
Calendula Oil, rich with triterpenoid, is a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial & anti-septic ingredient, it reduces swelling and inflammation which in return reduces pain and boosts the skin’s ability to naturally heal or rebuilt itself.

Sage herb is rich in essential oils and vitamins, it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and astringent properties and it stimulates blood circulation to the surface of the skin. It contains antioxidants that provide natural protection against free radicals that damage skin cells. The herb is rich in calcium and vitamin A, which are needed for daily cell regeneration.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is very rich in minerals and amino acids. Some components in Aloe Vera seem to be able to increase circulation in the tiny blood vessels in the skin, as well as kill bacteria. Together, these effects suggest that Aloe Vera might be effective in speeding skin rejuvenation and wound healing.

Altogether, those ingredients supplied to the skin from an external source, fighting inflammation, bacteria, and free radicals, boost the skin’s natural ability to heal itself, resulting in healthy, elasticized skin better equipped to defend itself against causes leading to the development of chronic ulcers, making CleaDerma DCB a leading preventative treatment of chronic ulcers.
The continued use of DCB ointment in areas prone to developing chronic wounds will prevent the formation of the wound, and it will always be stopped in the first stage.